Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Change of Plans

This is the first update I've been able to make. As you can see, I've changed course somewhat. This was due to high surf and an extremely heavy kayak. After several reductions in equipment and supplies, I was still very heavy. Much too heavy to deal with surf. Unfortunately, the Sea of Cortez side has some extreme heat and its own challenges. Currently catching lots of grouper in Punta Buffeo.
Small Grouper. Early on, was catching one every cast...


  1. Dave ,
    Keep us updated we are watching.....

    Your friends from

  2. Hey Dave,

    Just saw this on BWE a couple of days ago. Awesome trek! Good luck, stay safe, and enjoy the trip of a lifetime! When you get back here, lets do some buggin!


  3. Just hoe hot is it!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. u still have a loooong waaay to go. the heat without wind saps your energy quick. maybe you'll make cabo by mid sept.what happen to pacific side? thats where the challenge really is.

  5. since the spot stopped working how will you communicate now?.

  6. I can't quite see the grouper in the picture. It must really be small or the camera took a dump!.

  7. It's a challenge no matter which side. Either would be fascinating. The nice temps on the pacific side would be welcome. Temps are brutal in Cortez. He's going to hit some really remote places. I'm jealous.


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